About Dr. Patricia Bailey

About Dr. Pat
Her global ministry has founded GLTC (Global Leadership Training Center), a program designed to teach global strategies that empower leaders to impact nations, Y.U.G.O. (Young Adults United for Global Outreach), an apprentice leadership training program that equips emerging leaders to become agents of change by giving them a biblical world view, and S.E.W (Sisters Empowering the World), an Intensive Training Center, consisting of 5-days of extensive training, designed to equip women to become vessels of honor for their families, ultimately transforming them into World Changers equipped to impact the nations.
Dr. Bailey has served as a consultant to the United Nations (UN), Heads of States, Diplomats, and Governmental Dignitaries. She was also featured on the cover of Charisma Magazine as a premier Missions Consultant. Dr. Bailey attended Victory Bible College, New Life Bible College, and received master’s degrees from Mt. Olive Seminary and Doctoral Degree from Cornerstone Christian University. She received the Esther Service Award from Dr. Myles Munroe, the Azusa Award for Global Leadership, the C.L. Moody Award from Bishop Charles Blake, and The Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.
Dr. Bailey’s current thrust and focus is to create a political awareness of the issues that are shifting our culture from our moral foundation. This initiative is the Global Mandate Tour awakening church leaders, parents, businessmen and women, and educators, challenging them to rise up and position themselves for a higher ethical standard. She is the proud mother of her son and the Yaya of three beautiful grandchildren.